Ted Stamm, 101 Wooster Street, New York. Ted Stamm Archive © 2024.
The Ted Stamm Slide Collection
Ted Stamm slides of works of art and exhibitions, measure 2.2 linear feet and date from circa 1968-1986, and 2018. The collection comprises approximately 6,450 35mm slides assembled by Ted Stamm between his arrival in New York in 1968 and his death in 1984. The majority of the slides were photographed by Stamm himself, and collectively form a unique and expansive record of artworks and exhibitions on view in New York during that time period, by a variety of artists including Stamm.
Ted Stamm slides of works of art and exhibitions, circa 1968-1986, accessible via request both in-person at the Smithsonian Archives of American Art in Washington D.C and digitally online at:
The collection includes both exhibition views and individual artworks photographed in situ. In addition to exhibitions in galleries and nonprofit spaces, Stamm also photographed works installed in public spaces, graffiti and street art, and views of the gallery facades and architectural fabric of Lower Manhattan.
Stamm used the slides in his own teaching, and the collection includes a set of slides documenting periods of art history. Additional teaching material includes examples of course descriptions, syllabi, reading lists, and other teaching materials for courses taught by Stamm. Printed material includes an artist book, an exhibition catalog, and a monograph/catalog. The series is arranged as four subseries based on Stamm's original categories for the slides. Within each subseries and folder slides are arranged alphabetically by artist or subject and chronologically thereafter.
Ted Stamm slides of works of art and exhibitions, circa 1968-1986
1.1: Art History, General, circa 1968-circa 1984
1.2: Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art, circa 1968-circa 1984
1.3: Artists A-Z, circa 1968-circa 1984
1.4: Galleries and Projects/Exhibitions, 1969-1983
1.1: Art History, General, circa 1968-circa 1984
Ancient Art/Cave Painting, circa 1968-circa 1984
Niaux, France
Lascaux, France
Egyptian, 4th Dynasty, 18th Dynasty
Constructivism and Suprematism, Bucholz-Mondrian, circa 1968-circa 1984
Bucholz, Eric
Chasnik, Ilia
DaDa (Jean Arp, Meret Oppenheim, Man Ray)
Duchamp, Marcel
Guro, Elena
Ioganson, Kanel
Kluin, Ivan
Kobo, Katarzyna
Kudriashev, Ivan
Lissitzky, El
Malevich, Kazimir
Mansurov, Pavel
Mondrian, Piet
Constructivism and Suprematism, Mondrian-Vantongerloo, circa 1968-circa 1984
Mondrian, Piet
Peri, Laszo
Popova, Lyubov
Puni, Ivan
Rodchenko, Alexander
Rozanova, Olga
Tatlin, Vladimir
van Doesburg, Theo
Vantongerloo, Georges
Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, circa 1968-circa 1984
Cezanne, Paul
Manet, Édouard
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste
Seurat, Georges
van Gogh, Vincent
Mexican Murals, José Clemente Orozco , circa 1968-circa 1984
Pre-Impressionism, circa 1968-circa 1984
Bingham, George Caleb
Casper, David Friedrich
Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille
Ryder, Albert Pinkham
van der Weyden, Rogier
Twentieth Century Europe, circa 1968-circa 1984
Balla, Giacomo
Boccioni, Umberto
Constantin Brâncuși
Braque, Georges
Gris, Juan
Holzer, Adolf
Kandinsky, Wassily
Léger, Fernand
Magritte, René
Marc, Franz
Matisse, Henri
U. S. Regional Art, Avery-Wood, circa 1968-circa 1984
Avery, Milton
Benton, Thomas Hart
Brooks, Romaine
Burchfield, Charles
Davis, Stuart
Dove, Arthur
Hartley, Marsden
Hopper, Edward
Marsh, Reginald
O'Keeffe, Georgia
Pleissner, Ogden
Rodia, Simon
Sloan, John
Tack, Augustus Vincent
Wood, Grand
1.2: Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art, circa 1968-circa 1984
Abstract Expressionism, New York School, Baziotes, William-Gorky, Arshile, circa 1968-circa 1984
Baziotes, William
Brooks, James
de Kooning, Willem
Diller, Burgoyne
Frankenthaler, Helen
Gorky, Arshile
Abstract Expressionism, New York School, Gorky, Arshile-Krasner, Lee, circa 1968-circa 1984
Gorky, Arshile
Gottlieb, Adolph
Guston, Philip
Hartigan, Grace
Hofmann, Hans
Kline, Franz
Krasner, Lee
Abstract Expressionism, New York School, Leslie, Alfred-Pollock, Jackson, circa 1968-circa 1984. Includes slides of Jackson Pollock's house, studio, and gravesite, and Pollock with Peggy Guggenheim.
Leslie, Alfred
Mitchell, Joan
Motherwell, Robert
Newman, Barnett
Pollock, Jackson
Abstract Expressionism, New York School, Pollock, Jackson-Rothko, Mark, circa 1968-circa 1984
Pollock, Jackson
Reinhardt, Ad
Rothko, Mark
Abstract Expressionism, New York School, Rothko, Mark-Tworkov, Jack and Miscellaneous, circa 1968-circa 1984. Miscellaneous category consists of one slide of Frank O'Hara's grave.
Rothko, Mark
Smith, David
Stamos, Theodoros
Still, Clyfford
Tobey, Mark
Tomlin, Bradley Walker
Tworkov, Jack
"AE Misc": Frank O'Hara grave
Pop Art, Dine, Jim-Rosenquist, James, circa 1968-circa 1984
Dine, Jim
Indiana, Robert
Johns, Jasper
Lichtenstein, Roy
Oldenburg, Claes
Rauschenburg, Robert
Rosenquist, James
Pop Art, Rosenquist, James-Wesselman, Tom and Miscellaneous, circa 1968-circa 1984
Rosenquist, James
Segal, George
Warhol, Andy
Wesselman, Tom
Pop Art (Miscellaneous): D'Arcangelo, Alan; Ramos, Mel; Rivers, Larry
1.3: Artists A-Z, circa 1968-circa 1984
Abish, Cecile-Arlen, Nancy, circa 1968-circa 1984
Abish, Cecile
Acconi, Vito
Adams, Alice
Adams, Allan
Adams, Mac
Adams, Pat
Africano, Nicholas
Ahearn, Charles
Ahearn, John
Albers, John
Albers, Josef
Allan, William
Allen, Terry
Alpert, Bill
Alter, Carole
Altoon, John
Ambrose, Peter
Anastasi, William
Anderson, Laurie
Andre, Carl
Antonakos, Stephen
Anuszkiewicz, Richard
Apfelschnitt, Carl
Applebroog, Ida
Arakawa, Shusaku
Arlen, Nancy
Arlen, Nancy-Baselitz, George, circa 1968-circa 1984
Arlen, Nancy
Arnoldi, Charles
Artschwager, Richard
Ashbaugh, Dennis
Atkinson, Terry
Ausby, Ellsworth
Aycock, Alice
Baer, Jo
Bakaty, Mike
Baker, David
Baldessari, John
Balla, Giacomo
Bandy, Gary
Bang, Thomas
Bao, Yee Jan
Bark, Jed
Barnes, Joe
Barry, Robert
Barth, Francis
Bartlett, John
Bar-Tur, Ann
Baselitz, Georg
Baselitz, George-Beuys, Joseph, circa 1968-circa 1984
Baselitz, Georg
Basquiat, Jean Michel
Bayer, Arlyne
Bechner, Bernd and Hilla
Bechtle, Robert
Beckett, Richard
Beckley, Bill
Bell, Larry
Bellinger, Len
Ben (Vautier)
Bender, Gretchen
Benglis, Lynda
Bengston, Billy Al
Ben-Haim, Zigi
Bennett, Larry
Benson, Robert
Berg, Peter
Berthot, Jake
Bertoldi, Allen
Beuys, Joseph
Beuys, Joseph-Boothe, Power, circa 1968-circa 1984
Beuys, Joseph
Biederman, Jim
Bills, Tom
Birnbaum, Dara
Bischoff, Elmer
Bishop, Jim
Bladen, Ronnie
Blair, Dike
Blanchard, Remi
Blatz, William
Bleckner, Rose
Bluhm, Norman
Bochner, Mel
Boetti, Alighiero
Bohnen, Blythe
Boice, Bruce
Bolotowsky, Ilya
Boltz, Maude
Bontecou, Lee
Book, Maz Mikael
Boothe, Power
Borofsky, Jon-Burson, Nancy, circa 1968-circa 1984
Borofsky, Jon
Bourgeois, Louise
Boutis, Tom
Bower, Gary
Boyden, Martha
Boyle, Fred
Boyle, Mark
Brachman, Srule
Bramblett, F. K.
Brant, Sharon
Brauntuch, Troy
Breidel, Joe
Brett, Nancy
Brickhouse, Farrel
Briggs, Ernst
Brodsky, Eugene
Brodsky, Stan
Brooks, James
Brown, Roger
Brown, Wayne
Buchanan, Jerry
Buchwald, Howard
Budd, David
Buonagurio, Edgar
Burchfield, Charles
Burden, Chris
Buren, Daniel
Burri, Alberto
Burson, Nancy
Burson, Nancy-Close, Chuck, circa 1968-circa 1984
Burson, Nancy
Burton, Scott
Butter, Tom
Butterfield, Deborah
Button, John
Caccavele, Paul
Cadare, André
Cage, John
Calder, Alexander
Cane, Louis
Castelli, Luciano
Castoro, Rosemarie
Celmins, Vija
Chacallis, Louis
Chamberlain, John
Chao, Bruce
Chase, Lisa
Chase, Louisa
Chia, Sandro
Chicago, Judy
Christensen, Dan
Clark, Edward
Clarke, John Clem
Clarke, Kevin
Clegg, Michael and Martin Guttman
Close, Chuck
Close, Chuck-Davis, Ron, circa 1968-circa 1984
Close, Chuck
Clough, Charles
Code, Audrey
Cohen, Arthur
Cohen Gan, Pinchas
Cohen, Julie
Cohen, Lustic
Cohn, Cora
Colburn, John
Cole, Don
Cole, Max
Colette (Justine)
Collins, Nicolas
Conlon, Wililam
Connelly, Arch
Conner, Bruce
Conner, Maureen
Conwill, Houston
Corris, Michael
Cote, Alan
Cottingham, Robert
Couch, Jane
Coyer, Max
Cragg, Tony
Craven, David
Crile, Susan
Croce, Judy
Cucchi, Enzo
Cummings, David
Cutrone, Ronnie
Cyphers, Peggy
Daphnis, Nasos
Darboven, Hanne
Darglish, Jamie
D'Arrigo, Elisa
Darton, Chris
David, Michael
Davis, Brad
Davis, Gene
Davis, Ron
Davis, Ron-Disco Freddy, circa 1968-circa 1984
Davis, Ron
Davis, Scott
DeAk, Edit
De Andrea
Dearing, J.
De Berardinis, Olivia
de Boschnek, Chris
De Forest, Roy
De Maria, Walter
DeMonte, Claudia
Denes, Agnes
Dennis, Donna
Denny, Robyn
Dezeuze. Daniel
Diao, David
Diamond, Martha
Diamond, Stuart
Dibbets, Jan
Dickson, John
DiDonna, Porfirio
Diebenkorn, Richard
Diehl, Carol
Dill, Laddie John
Diller, Burgoyne
Dine, Jim
Disco Freddy
Disco Freddy-Fekner, John, circa 1968-circa 1984
Disco Freddy
Di Suvero, Mark
Dodson, Gary
Doesburg, Theodore van
Dokoupil, Jiri Georg
Downsbrough, Peter
Doyle, Tom
Dubuffet, Jean
Dudley, Don
Duff, John
Eagen, Jos.
Eagen, Kip
Edelson, Mary Beth
Edson, Ron
Edwards, John
Edwards, Melvin
Elozua, Raymon
Elton, Lynne
Enckell, Carolus
Engelson, Carol
Escher, Fred
Estes, Richard
Estrada, Geneen
Faccinto, Victor
Fahlen, Charles
Fares, William
Federle, Helmuth
Feely, Paul
Feinberg, Jean
Fekner, John
Fekner, John-Flavin, Dan, circa 1968-circa 1984
Fekner, John
Fend, Peter
Ferber, Herbert
Ferrara, Jackie
Ferrer, Rafael
Fetting, Rainer
Fine, Perle
Finkel, Alan
Fischer, R. M.
Fischl, Eric
Fisher, Craig
Fisher, Joel
Fisher, Vernon
Fishman, Louise
Fitzgerald, Jared
Flack, Audrey
Flavin, Dan
Flavin, Dan-Francis, Sam, circa 1968-circa 1984
Flavin, Dan
Fleischner, Richard
Floeter, Kent
Ford, Hermine
Ford, John
Forgione, Lou
Fortenberry, D
Fortgang, Susan
Francis, Linda
Francis, Sam
Francis, Sam-Gluck, Heidi, circa 1968-circa 1984
Francis, Sam
Francisco, R
Fredenthal, Ruth Ann
Friedberg, Richard
Fuente, Larry
Fugate-Wilcox, Terry
Gaines, Charles
Garet, Jedd
Gastini, Marco
Geise, John
Gelis, S.
Georges, Paul
Gertsch, Franz
Gianakos, Cristos
Gifford, J. Nebraska
Gilbert & George
Gilbert-Rolfe, Jeremy
Gilhooly, David
Gilliam, Sam
Gillis, Mary
Gimblett, Max
Gitlin, Michael
Glarner, Fritz
Glasscock, Pam
Glicko, Carl
Glier, Mike
Gluck, Heidi
Gluck, Heidi-Gordy, Robert, circa 1968-circa 1984
Gluck, Heidi
Goings, Ralph
Gold, Sharon
Goldbas, Gibby
Goldberg, Mike
Goldstein, Jack
Golub, Leon
Goode, Joe
Goodwin, Guy
Gorchov, Ron
Gordon, Michael
Gordy, Robert
Gorknik, April-Hafstrom, Jan, circa 1968-circa 1984
Gornik, April
Gossweiler, Chris
Graham, Dan
Graham, Robert
Grant, George
Grass, Peter
Graves, Nancy
Green, Alan
Green, Denise
Green, George
Greene, D
Griefen, John
Grigoriads, Mary
Grindle, Allen
Gross, Jim
Gross, Julie
Gross, Rainer
Grossman, Nancy
Grosvenor, Robert
Gummer, Don
Gwathmy, E.
Gwin, William
Haacke, Hans
Haber, Ira Joel
Hafif, Marcia
Hafstrom, Jan
Haftsrom, Jan-Hazlitt, Don, circa 1968-circa 1984
Hafstrom, Jan
Hambleton, Richard
Hammond, H.
Hampton, James
Handzel, Bernie
Handzel, Jane
Hansen, James
Hanson, Duane
Hanson, Rolf
Hantai, Simon
Haring, Keith
Harrington, Dennis
Harris, Suzanne
Harrison, Jan
Hart, Gordon
Hatchett, David
Havard, James
Hay, Alex
Hayes, Gerry
Haynes, Nancy
Hazlitt, Don
Hazlitt, Don-Hesse, Eva, circa 1968-circa 1984
Hazlitt, Don
Hearer, Carol
Heilmann, Mary
Heinemann, Sue
Heintze, Rudy
Heizer, Michael
Held, Al
Hell, Ter
Henry, Dale
Henselmann, Casper
Herman, Alan
Hesse, Eva
Hesse, Eva-Irwin, Robert, circa 1968-circa 1984
Hesse, Eva
Highstein, Jene
Hinman, Chuck
Hirsch, Sanford
Hitch, Stuart
Hockman, Murray
Hödicke, Karl Horst
Hofmann, Hans
Holland, Tom
Holt, Nancy
Holup, Wopo
Holzer, Jenny
Horn, Rebecca
Horn, Roni
Hsieh, Sam
Hsieh, Tehching
Hubler, Doug
Hudson, Gary
Hull, John
Hull, Richard
Humphrey, Ralph
Hunt, Bryan
Hunt, Richard
Hutchinson, P
Hyde, Jim
Hynes, Frances
Icaro, Paolo
Indiana, Robert
Insley, Will
Ireland, Patrick
Irwin, Robert
Irwin, Robert-Katz, Alex, circa 1968-circa 1984
Irwin, Robert
Jackson, Ward
James, Laurence
Jameson, Bill
Janovich, Ron
Jenkins, Paul
Jenny, Niel
Jensen, Alfred
Jensen, Bill
Jiminez, Luis
Johns, Jasper
Johnson, Betsey
Johnson, Cletus
Johnson, Lester
Johnson, Martin
Joubert, Bernard
Joudon, Valerie
Judd, Donald
Juszczyk, James
Kacere, John
Kalina, Richard
Kaltenbach, Stephen
Kapoor, Anish
Kapp, David
Kardon, Dennis
Katz, Alex
Katz, Alex-Kennedy, Brigid, circa 1968-circa 1984
Katz, Alex
Kaufman, Craig
Kaufman, Jane
Kawara, On
Kaye, Pooh
Keister, Steve
Kelly, Ellsworth
Kendrick, Mel
Kennedy, Brigid
Kerns, Ed-Koons, Jeff, circa 1968-circa 1984
Kerns, Ed
Keylin, S.
Kiefer, Anselm
Kienholz, Edward
King, Tony
Kinne, Carol
Kipp, Lyman
Kirili, Alain
Kizik, Roger
Kleiman, Alan
Klein, Yves
Kleinman, Art
Klem, T.
Kline, Franz
Knobel, David
Knowles, Christopher
Koebbeman, Skip
Kohlhöfer, Christof
Komar & Melamid
Koons, Jeff
Koons, Jeff-Leder, Dennis, circa 1968-circa 1984
Koons, Jeff
Korman, Harriet
Kosuth, Joseph
Kounellis, Jannis
Koutroulis, Aris
Kraemer, M
Kramer, Louise
Krauss, Kim
Kreisel, Marc
Kruger, Barbara
Kuehn, Gary
Kummer, Raymund
Kupferman, Moshe
Kurahara, Ted
Kushner, Robert
Kuwayama, Tadaaki
Lable, Elliot
Laemmle, Cheryl Vicario
Laib, Wolfgang
Landfield, Ronnie
Landsman, Stanley
Lane, Lois
La Noue, Terrance
Larson, Alfred
Lasch, Pat
Lau, Rex
Laury, Micha
Lawson, Thomas
Leder, Dennis
Leder, Dennis-Lindsley, Carroll, circa 1968-circa 1984
Leder, Dennis
Ledoux, Barry
Lees, John
Leicht, Don (also Leicht collaborations with Dugdale, Maltz, and Fekner)
Lenkowski, Marilyn
Le Va, Barry
Levine, Les
Levinson, Mon
Levit, Linda
Lew, Jeff
Lewczuk, Margit
Lewis, Joe
Lewitt, Sol
Liberman, Alex
Lieb, Vered
Lieberman, Louis
Lindsley, Carrol
Ling, Eric-Marden, Brice, circa 1968-circa 1984
Ling, Eric
Lipton, Seymour
Lockness Monster
Lodato, Peter
Long, R.
Longo, Robert
Louis, Morris
Loving, Alvin
Lozano, Lee
Lubeliski, Abe
Luchs, Michael
Lukin, Sven
Lupertz, Markus
Lutze, Hazlitt
Luy, Wolfgang
MacConnel, Kim
Maguire, Doug
Mangold, Robert
Mangold, Sylvia Plimack
Mannheimer, Steve
Manzoni, Piero
Mapplethorpe, Robert
Marca-Relli, Conrad
Marden, Brice
Marden, Brice-McLaughlin, John, circa 1968-circa 1984
Marden, Brice
Margolis, Margo
Marioni, Joseph
Marsh, Reginald
Marsicano, Nicholas
Martin, Agnes
Martin, Chris
Martin, Doug
Martin, Jim
Masino, A
Mastracchio, J.
Mathews, Kenneth
Matta-Clark, Gordon
Mattia, Roy
Mayer, Rosemary
McCollum, Alan
McCraken, John
McElhenney, Sidney
McGowin, Ed
McLard, Michael
McLaughlin, John
McLaughlin, John-Morris, Robert, circa 1968-circa 1984
McLaughlin, John
McMahon, Jim
McNamara, John
Meadmore, C.
Mefferd, Boyd
Merz, Mario
Meyer, Melissa
Michals, Duane
Middendorf, Helmut
Milder, Jay
Miller, Brenda
Milow, Keith
Minter, Marilyn
Miss, Mary
Mitchell, J.
Mogensen, Paul
Montanez, Rudy
Moore, Gordon
Morales, C. G.
Morehead, Gerry
Morely, Malcom
Morgan, Robert
Morita, Jasutogo
Morell, Owen
Morris, Robert
Morris, Robert-Murray, Judith, circa 1968-circa 1984
Morris, Robert
Morton, Ree
Moses, Ed
Moskowitz, Robert
Mosset, Olivier
Muller, Gregoire
Muller, Jan
Muller, Stephan
Mullican, Matt
Mumford, Daphne
Muntadas, Antoni
Murata, Hiroshi
Murphy, Hass
Murray, Clarke
Murray, Elizabeth
Murray, Judith
Murray, Judith-Norvell, Patsy, circa 1968-circa 1984
Murray, Judith
Murray, Robert
Myers, Forrest
Myslowski, Tadeusz
Naden, Peter
Nares, Jim
Nauman, Bruce
Neher, Ross
Nelson, David
Nelson, Dona
Nelson, Jud
Nengudi, Senga
Neri, Manuel
Nemuth, Mary
Nevelson, Louise
Newman, Barnett
Newman, Donald
Nichols, Chip
Niedermier, R.
Noel, Georges
Noland, Kenneth
Nonas, Richard
Norton, Michael
Norvell, Patsy
Novros, David-Parker, Ray, circa 1968-circa 1984
Novros, David
Nutt, Jim
Obering, Mary
Obuck, John
O'Donnell, Hugh
Ohlson, Doug
Oji, Helen
Olitski, Jules
Oliver, Bobbie
Olt, Frank
Omlor, Peter
O'Neill, Brian
Opalka, Roman
Oppenheim, Dennis
Orbuck, John
Ostrow, Saul
Owen, Frank
Ox, Jack
Paik, Nam June
Paladino, Mimmo
Palazzolo, Carl
Palermo, Blinky
Palistine, C.
Pappas, Pam
Parker, Ray
Parker, Ray-Pozzi, Lucio, circa 1968-circa 1984
Parker, Ray
Parker, Richard
Parks, Addison
Parrish, David
Parsons, Betty
Paschke, Ed
Pavlicovic, Jim
Pearlstein, Philip
Pearson, Henry
Peck, George
Penck, A. R.
Perich, Anton
Perr, H.
Peterson, Robert
Pettet, William
Pettibone, R.
Pfaff, Judy
Phelan, Ellen
Pinchbeck, P.
Pindell, Howardena
Pinto, Jody
Pitt, Susan
Plagens, P.
Plate, Jeff
Poirier, Ann and Patrick
Poon, Larry
Porter-Scully, Catherine
Porter, Fairfield
Porter, Katherine
Porter, Lilian
Posen, S.
Pozzi, Lucio
Pozzi, Lucio-Reich, Murray, circa 1968-circa 1984
Pozzi, Lucio
Poulin, Roland
Pousette-Dart, Joanna
Pousette-Dart, Richard
Prentice, David
Price, Ken
Pugliese, R.
Puryear, Martin
Quaytman, Harvey
Quinlavin, Tom
Quinones, Lee
Rabinovich, Raquel
Rabinovitch, David
Rabinovitch, Royden
Rabinovitch, William
Rajlich, Thomas
Ramirez, Daniel
Rankin, Tom
Raphael, Joseph
Reed, David
Reich, Murray
Remington, Deborah-Row, David, circa 1968-circa 1984
Remington, Deborah
Renouf, Edda
Resnick, Milton
Rhodes, Leah
Rich, Gary
Richbourg, Lance
Richter, Gerhard
Richter, Scott
Rickey, George
Rifka, Judy
Riley, Bridget
Ring, Nancy
Ripps, Rodney
Rivlin, Phil
Robbin, Tony
Robbins, Bruce
Robbins, Peter
Robinson, Abby
Robinson, Mike
Robinson, Walter
Rockburne, D.
Rohm, Robert
Romano, Sal
Roscheck, Ingrid
Rose, Stephanie
Rosenblatt, Phyllis
Rosenthal, S.
Rosenthal, Tony
Ross, C.
Ross, Johnnie
Rothenberg, Susan
Rotterdam, Paul
Row, David
Ruben, Richard-Samaras, Lucas, circa 1968-circa 1984
Ruben, Richard
Rubins, Nancy
Rückriem, Ulrich
Ruda, Edward
Rundquist, Marcia
Rupp, Christy
Ruscha, Ed
Russell, Jeff
Ryman, Ryman
Saganic, LIvlo
Salle, David
Samaras, Lucas
Samaras, Lucas-Schroder, F. L., circa 1968-circa 1984
Samaras, Lucas
Samson, Maria
Sandback, Fred
Sanderson, Doug
Sansotta, Anthony
Santlover, Jonathan
Saret, Alan
Saul, Peter
Saunders, Wade
Scarpetta, Salvatore
Scarpulla, Russell
Schecter, Robert Bruce
Schenck, William
Schifano, Mario
Schiffrin, Herb
Schmit, Randall
Schnabel, Julian
Schnall, Maxine
Schoen, Robert
Schonziet, Ben
Schroder, F. L.
Schroder, F. L.-Shapiro, Joel, circa 1968-circa 1984
Schroder, F. L.
Schuler, Horst
Schulson, Susan
Schwartz, B
Schwartz, Judith
Scully, Sean
Seaberg, S.
Searles, Charles
Seawright, Jim
Segal, George
Seltzer, Joann
Serra, Richard
Shannon, Tom
Shapiro, Joel
Shapiro, Miriam-Smithson, Robert, circa 1968-circa 1984
Shapiro, Miriam
Shapiro, Yoav
Shaw, Karen
Shaw, Kendall
Shedletsky, Stuart
Shemi, Yehiel
Shepperd, Jim
Sherman, Cindy
Sherry, Lee
Shields, Alan
Showell, Ken
Siegel, Alan
Silverman, Martin
Simmonds, C.
Simonian, Judy
Simpson, Diane
Sims, Phil
Skoglund, S.
Slavin, Arlene
Sloman, Steven
Smith, D.
Smith, Howard
Smith, Leon Polk
Smith, Richard
Smith, Susan
Smith, Tony
Smithson, Robert
Smithson, Robert-Stella, Frank, circa 1968-circa 1984
Smithson, Robert
Smyth, Ned
Snelson, Ken
Snider, Jenny
Snow, Michael
Snyder, Joan
Solomon, Elke
Sonfist, Alan
Sonneberg, Jack
Sonnier, Keith
Soreff, Helen
Soreff, Stephen
Source, Anthony
Spence, Andy
Spero, Nancy
Stackhouse, Robert
Stafford, Lawrence
Stamm, Ted
Stanley, Bob
Stein, Carol Clark
Stein, Lewis
Steiner, M.
Steir, Pat
Stella, Frank
Stella, Frank, circa 1968-circa 1984
Stella, Frank-Tivey, Hap, circa 1968-circa 1984
Stella, Frank
Stephan, Gary
Stikas, Marianne
Still, Clifford
Stockwell, Craig
Stoltz, David
Stone, Sylvia
Stout, Myron
Strach, Andreas
Straight, Robert
Stratigos, Paul
Strautmanis, Ed
Stuart, Michelle
Sugiura, Kunie
Sullivan, Jim
Sultan, Donald
Suzuki, Taro
Swain, R.
Swane, Knute
Taggart, Bill
Tanger, S.
Tanner, W.
Tatafiore, Ernesto
Tetherow, Michael
Tevet, Nahum
Thatcher, Audry
Thek, Paul
Therrien, Robert
Thiebaud, Wayne
Thomas, Kathleen
Thompson, Anthony
Thorne, Joan
Thurz, Fred
Tinguely, Jean
Tivey, Hap
Tivey, Hap-Twombly, Cy, circa 1968-circa 1984
Tivey, Hap
Tobias, Julius
Todd, Michael
Torreano, John
Tracy, Michael
Trakas, George
Trincere, Linda
Trova, Ernst
True, David
Truitt, Ann
Tucker, William
Turner, Alan
Turrell, James
Tuttle, Richard
Tweddle, John
Twombly, Cy
Twombly, Cy-Weiner, Lawrence, circa 1968-circa 1984
Twombly, Cy
Uglow, Alan
Ullman, Micha
Umlauf, Lynn
Unger, Mary Ann
Urus, Taymur
Valentine, DeWain
Van Buren, Richard
Van Dyke, Denise
Vanderperk, Anton
Vega, Alan
Venet, Bernar
Venezia, M.
Viallat, Claude
Vincente, E.
Volmer, Ruth
Von der Lippe, Gail
Von Rydingsvard, Ursula
Wachtel, Julie
Wagner, Merrill
Walker, John
Walkingstick, Kay
Wall, Jeff
Walsh, Pat
Watts, R.
Way, Jeff
Webster, Meg
Weil, Susan
Weiner, Lawrence
Weiner, Lawrence-Yasuda, Robert, circa 1968-circa 1984
Weiner, Lawrence
Weiner, Leslie
Wells, David
Wells, Lynton
Westerlund, Mia
Westermann, H. C.
Westfall, Stephen
Wharton, Margaret
Whitten, Jack
Whittome, Irene
Wiley, Tad
Wiley, William T.
Wiliams, Mark
Williams, Neil
Williams, William T.
Willis, Thornton
Wilmarth, Christopher
Winsor, Jacqueline
Winter, Terry
Winters, Robin
Witek, Joan
Wojnarowicz, David
Wooding, Robert
Wortzel, Adrianne
Yankowitz, Nina
Yasuda, Robert
Yasuda, Robert-Zwack, Michael, circa 1968-circa 1984
Yasuda, Robert
Yokomi, Richard
Young, Frank
Young, Peter
Youngerman, Jack
Yucikas, Robert
Zago, Tino
Zakanitch, Robert
Zapkus, Kes
Zeniuk, Jerry
Zimmer, Bernard
Zimmer, William
Zimmerman, Jerry
Zucker, Barbara
Zucker, Joe
Zwack, Michael
1.4: Galleries and Projects, 1969-1983
Avant, Kutztown, Futura 2000, 1970s-1982
Also includes slides labeled Di Donna and Kutztown
Gorman Park, 1978
Magazine Covers, 1969-1979
Pier 34, 1983
Pool, Spring (1978)-Fall (1978) and Pool Filled (1982), 1978-1982
Pool, Dugdale-Maltz, 1977-1979
Pool, Stamm, 1978
Post-Graffiti, 1983
Punk/New Wave, 1970s
Site Projects, 1972-1979
SoHo Galleries and SoHo Street Scene, 1970s-1983
Street Works and Graffiti, 1979-1982
Suicide and Times Square Show, 1971-1983
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